Guys Being Doods
Guys Being Doods
This Fresno Teacher Went Viral On TikTok For His Dance Moves!
Austin Lemay, a Leadership Teacher and Campus Culture Director at Tenaya Middle School, joins the dudes in the barn for another great episode. For many who haven’t seen, Mr. Lemay recently went viral on tiktok for dancing to the classic hip hop song ‘You’re a Jerk’ and well the kids couldn’t get enough. Following that over night success Mr. Lemay has been on numerous interviews and even got to make a special appearance on @TheEllenShow But for the FIRST TIME EVER does he sit down on a PODCAST and really let YOU get to know who he is and all the GREAT people he is surrounded by. This episode proves there is still good people in this world and that these are the scenarios we need to shed light on so that day by day we see less violence and more dancing. Mr. LeMay is the total package, he has the moves, a kind heart, the right attitude, and a strong passion! With those simple things it is proven by one man that anything can be possible as long as you are having FUN doing it!