Guys Being Doods
Guys Being Doods
Choppin' Up Another Tuesday With Hunter Bryan
On today's episode Hunter Bryan checks back in to talk some hectic baseball, what's the latest on the MLB lockout? Is Minor League effected? We cover our top 5... Texas, who's lead by Oak Ridge alum Pete Hansen, Ole Miss, who is prolly one of the top fundamentally sound squads, NC State, who has the PHENOM TOMMY TANKS! Tennessee, who just puts a beating on you & Stanford, fear the tree... This episode was an exciting one as the doods just shot back and forth their thoughts on everything that has partaken, BUT a conversation for all, could be how our Central Valley has produced D1 athletes for years and years now, but many have left to "Bigger" & "Better" opportunities, if we gave athletes the environment to WANT to come be a BULLDOG and had the proper facilities to adequately help the athletes preform to the highest of their ability not only would athletes want to come be apart of the atmosphere but winning would occur and what happens when you win? More people & more money... we know this has been a conversation for quiet some time now but why? what changes aren't being made to allow GREATNESS at Fresno State?