Guys Being Doods
Guys Being Doods
EPISODE 50!!! It's Another Great Tuesday
Coming off Memorial Day weekend, the doods catch up by talking a little bit about their weekend. RJ enjoyed some fun in the sun at the lake, while Luke kicked back and began preparing for his upcoming challenge to take on a whopping 16-mile hike, Half Dome in Yosemite. While explaining his emotions and thought process for the upcoming hike, RJ mentions Mike Posner and his incredible story. You know, the one where he WALKED across America? Ya, that one, mainly for the fact that we need to start taking on more challenges without making any excuses, just do it. Many people go on with their lives, never doing or seeing some of life's most precious things. That's why we challenge you to go do something out of your comfort zone, like a hike, sky diving, talking to that girl you like, whatever it may be, JUST DO IT and we guarantee you the feeling after will be unimaginable.